
Rune Bosse

Rune Bosse - 'After Fire' - GL STRAND, Copenhagen (DK) - Installation view
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Rune Bosse - 'After Fire' - GL STRAND, Copenhagen (DK) - Installation view

Rune Bosse - Stien eller Tid Mellem Træer - Installation view - Overgaden 2019
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Rune Bosse - Stien eller Tid Mellem Træer - Installation view - Overgaden 2019

Rune Bosse - Stien eller Tid Mellem Træer - Installation view - Overgaden 2019
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Rune Bosse - Stien eller Tid Mellem Træer - Installation view - Overgaden 2019

Rune Bosse in his studio, 2020
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Rune Bosse in his studio, 2020

Rune Bosse - States of Beeing - Installation view - Gether Contemporary 2021
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Rune Bosse - States of Beeing - Installation view - Gether Contemporary 2021

Rune Bosse - States of Beeing - Installation view - Gether Contemporary 2021
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Rune Bosse - States of Beeing - Installation view - Gether Contemporary 2021

Rune Bosse - Far From Home - Installation view - ARoS 2018
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Rune Bosse - Far From Home - Installation view - ARoS 2018

Rune Bosse - Tbt - Glass, tulips, chlorine and water - 50 x 32 cm - Ur - Galleri Jacob Bjørn - Århus, Danmark
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Rune Bosse - Tbt - Glass, tulips, chlorine and water - 50 × 32 cm - Ur - Galleri Jacob Bjørn - Århus, Danmark

Rune Bosse - Rootlab - Aros Triennale The Garden, ARoS 2016
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Rune Bosse - Rootlab - Aros Triennale The Garden, ARoS 2016

Rune Bosse - Afgang 2016 - Kunsthal Charlottenborg -København, Danmark
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Rune Bosse - Afgang 2016 - Kunsthal Charlottenborg -København, Danmark

Rune Bosse - Afgang 2016 - Kunsthal Charlottenborg -København, Danmark
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Rune Bosse - Afgang 2016 - Kunsthal Charlottenborg -København, Danmark

Rune Bosse - Stien eller Tid Mellem Træer - Installation view - Overgaden 2019
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Rune Bosse - Stien eller Tid Mellem Træer - Installation view - Overgaden 2019

Rune Bosse - Stien eller Tid Mellem Træer - Installation view - Overgaden 2019
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Rune Bosse - Stien eller Tid Mellem Træer - Installation view - Overgaden 2019

Nature is always the focal point of Rune Bosse's artistic work. With a poetic, philosophical and scientific approach, Bosse studies the structures, patterns and attributes of nature, and through his artistic processing he shows how these relate both to man and to itself.

The idea that everything is connected through a certain logic consisting of nature, body and mind permeates Rune Bosse's work. In his work, connectedness is a prerequisite for everything to exist the way it does; it is about man's impact on nature, nature's impact on man and about nature's own impact on itself. - Nothing exists alone, but is part of a relational chain, in which each of the elements characterizes its surroundings. Then when Rune Bosse gently studies trees, roots, plants, sprouting grains, and withered leaves, it is an attempt to understand the very basic mechanisms of nature and see man in the light of this.

In dialogue with nature, Bosse works to collect variations of plant species and flora. He examines and dissects them, just to combine the elements in new and unseen ways; he exposes the individual elements, and lets the isolated plant skeletons and structures be the cornerstones for creating new lasting connections. It requires great perseverance, tenderness and precision to collect the material and discover new contexts and randomly occurring phenomena and the dialogue with the organic material is the starting point for his collection, which to a large extent forms as much of the work as the final result does. Bosse operates according to an imperative method, in that he, also through his process, tries to remind us of our inseparable connection to nature and our common and eternal primordial state. However, Bosse's orderly and scientific approach is always combined with a particularly poetic sensitivity. Several of his works are accompanied by poems that both frame and become a tool to summarize and define the direction of his studies, as well as to accompany our understanding of his results.

Rune Bosse's artistic practice is an extension of the Land Art movement, which emerged in the 1960s in the United States. The movement was based on Minimalism and Installation Art and was an attempt to bring art into nature and use nature as the material for the work of art. For both the Land Art movement and for Rune Bosse, change over time is an absolutely crucial concept. The natural processes that the materials and surroundings undergo become part of the work, and the time that can be concretely read in nature appears circularly; from fresh green sprouts and newly sprouted flowers to the wilting decay of autumn. The organic connections that Bosse installs, shares and assembles are about initiating a process that will only become apparent after some time - and in some cases not until many years from now.

Rune Bosse (f.1987) lives and works in Præstø and Copenhagen. He is a graduate of the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, 2016, combined with studies at Olafur Eliassons experimental art school, Institut für Raumexperimente in Berlin. Rune Bosse has solo exhibited at Overgaden (DK), Gether Contemporary (DK), Galleri Jacob Bjørn (DK), Four Boxes Gallery (DK) among others, and he has participated group exhibitions at Arken Museum of Modern Art (DK), Hamburger Bahnhof (DE), Neue National Galerie (DE), Den Frie (DK), SMK Fridays (DK), Kunsthal Charlottenborg (DK), Gl. Strand (DK), Tønder Kunstmuseum (DK), KØS (DK), AROS Triennial (DK), Den Hirschprunske Samling (DK), Fåborg Kunstmuseum (DK), Kunsten Aalborg (DK), Vitamin Creative Space (CN). The works of Rune Bosse can be experienced in the collections of ARoS Århus Art Museum, Tønder Kunstmuseum and Statens Kunstfond

Selected Exhibitions & Projects


Rune Bosse Treefall film at HEART - Contemporary Museum of Art Herning


States of Beeing


Rune Bosse

Born 1987, Denmark

Lives and works in Copenhagen



Skov- og Naturtekniker, Skovskolen Nøddebo, Fredensborg


Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi, Skolen for Tidsbaserede Medier, Copenhagen


Institut für Raumexperimente, Universitet der Kunste, Berlin


Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi, Copenhagen

Solo Exhibitions


Skyggeplanter, Gether Contemporary, Copenhagen

Circularis, Kunstmuseet i Tønder, DK

Bagved Overfladen, Ordrupgaard, DK


After Fire, Kunstforeningen Gl. Strand, Copenhagen


Treefall, Heart Herning Museum of contemporary art, Herning, DK


Blomsten i Kunsten, Arken Museum of Modern Art, Denmark

States of Beeing, Gether Conntemporary, Copenhagen


Stien eller Tid Mellem Træer, Overgaden, Copenhagen

Leben still leben, Kunsthal 6100, Haderselv

Ur-, Galleri Jacob Bjørn, Aarhus


I have fallen in love with someone who hides inside you, Four Boxes Gallery, Skive


The Cucumber is a She, Gallery Floskl, Copenhagen

Selected Group Exhibitions


Connectedness, Kunstverein Schwerin, Schwerin

X, Gether Contemporary, Copenhagen


Flora Italica, Thorvaldsens Museum, Copenhagen


Den frie udstilling 2022: Atmosfærer, Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, Copenhagen


Soil.Sickness.Society, Rønnebæksholm, Næstved

Hummings, KOES Museum, Køge


FLORA - mellem planter og mennesker, Randers Kunstmuseum, Randers

Åndemaner, Gether Contemporary, Copenhagen


Jordforbindelser, Den Hirsprunske Samling, Copenhagen


Far from Home, ARoS, Aarhus

Smudge Clease, Kvit Galleri, Copenhagen

Jordforbindelser, Fåborg Museum - Fuglsang Museum - Ribe Kunstmuseum, Denmark

Re-Routing Nature, SixtyEight Art Institute, Copenhagen

D7, Abyss (+Anna Bak), Copenhagen


Festival of Future Now (+Studio ThinkingHand), Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin

In around and all in-between (+Studio ThinkingHand), Code ArtFair, Copenhagen

Network (+Studio ThinkingHand), Roskilde Festival, Roskilde

ENGROS, Grøntorvet Valby, Copenhagen

Research for Network(+Studio ThinkingHand), SMK Fridays, Copenhagen

EXTRACT, Kunstforeningen Gl. Strand, Copenhagen


UNtitled, Galleri Jacob Bjørn, Århus

Afgang 2016, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen

Take me (I’m yours), Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen


DEEKTE, Biologiska Museet, Stokholm

FOOD WASTE MONEY, Entretempo Gallery, Berlin

Show me your show, Studio Jeppe Hein, Berlin

Touch I Vorspiel Transmediale, Agora, Berlin


Festival of Future Nows, Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin

UNBREAKEN, L’atelier KSR, Berlin

WALK-IN-PROGRES, Vitamin Creative Space, Guangzhou, Kina


Dasein Irgendwo (+Malthe Bartsch), Udstillingstedet Q, Copenhagen

KE13, Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, Copenhagen

Institut für Raumexperimente, Berlin


Grosses Feld, Addis Abeba, Ethiopien

Addis Foto Festival, Academy of Fine Arts, Addis Abeba, Ethiopien

ILOVEIT, Copenahgen Art Festival, Copenhagen

The World Is Not Fair – Die Grosse Weltausstellung, Tempelhof, Berlin

UNDERVÆRKER – Mesterværker fra danske privatsamlinger, Kunsten, Aalborg



Udlændingestyrelsen, Urbaum, Næstved


Viby Skole, Vokse Sammen, Århus

Viby Skole, Urbaum, Århus

Kalvebod Brygge, Tempus Circularis Tribus, Copenhagen


Urphlantzen, Tønder Kunstmuseum, 2020

Tempus Circularis Fagus Sylvatica, 2016, ARoS, Århus, Danmark, 2018

Plant Memories, 2016, Statens Kunstfond, Danmark, 2016



“SPOR 4 Rune Bosse”, Roulette Russe


“Brask Studio Visit IV”, Brask

“Jordforbindelser - Dansk maleri 1780-1920 og det antropocæne landskab”, Århus Universistesforlag


“ARoS Triennale - The Garden”, Koenig Books