
Rhoda Ting & Mikkel Bojesen

Rhoda Ting & Mikkel Bojesen (formerly Studio ThinkingHand) - Landscape Portrait #27, 2022 - Resin, pigment, flora and fungi foraged may 2022 from Greater Copenhagen, Denmark, 110 x 110 x 4 cm
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Rhoda Ting & Mikkel Bojesen (formerly Studio ThinkingHand) - Landscape Portrait #27, 2022 - Resin, pigment, flora and fungi foraged may 2022 from Greater Copenhagen, Denmark, 110 × 110 × 4 cm

Rhoda Ting & Mikkel Bojesen (formerly Studio ThinkingHand) - Landscape Portrait #27, 2022 - Resin, pigment, flora and fungi foraged may 2022 from Greater Copenhagen, Denmark, 110 x 110 x 4 cm - Detail
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Rhoda Ting & Mikkel Bojesen (formerly Studio ThinkingHand) - Landscape Portrait #27, 2022 - Resin, pigment, flora and fungi foraged may 2022 from Greater Copenhagen, Denmark, 110 × 110 × 4 cm - Detail

Rhoda Ting & Mikkel Bojesen (formerly Studio ThinkingHand) - EVOLUTIONS - Installation view, GLAS - Museet for Glaskunst, 2023
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Rhoda Ting & Mikkel Bojesen (formerly Studio ThinkingHand) - EVOLUTIONS - Installation view, GLAS - Museet for Glaskunst, 2023

Rhoda Ting & Mikkel Bojesen (formerly Studio ThinkingHand) - Rhizome III, 2023, Fungal cultures from Novozymes, agar, glass, plastic, resin, white painted milled MDF and LED light, 54 x 51 x 11
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Rhoda Ting & Mikkel Bojesen (formerly Studio ThinkingHand) - Rhizome III, 2023, Fungal cultures from Novozymes, agar, glass, plastic, resin, white painted milled MDF and LED light, 54 × 51 × 11

Rhoda Ting & Mikkel Bojesen (formerly Studio ThinkingHand) - EVOLUTIONS - Installation view, GLAS - Museet for Glaskunst, 2023
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Rhoda Ting & Mikkel Bojesen (formerly Studio ThinkingHand) - EVOLUTIONS - Installation view, GLAS - Museet for Glaskunst, 2023

Rhoda Ting & Mikkel Bojesen (formerly Studio ThinkingHand) - EVOLUTIONS - Installation view, GLAS - Museet for Glaskunst, 2023
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Rhoda Ting & Mikkel Bojesen (formerly Studio ThinkingHand) - EVOLUTIONS - Installation view, GLAS - Museet for Glaskunst, 2023

Rhoda Ting & Mikkel Bojesen (formerly Studio ThinkingHand)
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Rhoda Ting & Mikkel Bojesen (formerly Studio ThinkingHand)

Rhoda Ting & Mikkel Bojesen (formerly Studio Thinkinghand) is an art duo currently based in Kalvehave, close to Copenhagen, Denmark. Their works focus on methods of listening, relating and co-creating with other than human species such as fungi, bacteria and ecosystems as well as, synthetic life such as soft robotics, making visible stories, intelligences, and life beyond the human gaze. Bringing together science, technology and industry, their work investigates speculative futures, and explores philosophies that can move us collectively and affirmatively beyond the anthropocene. Drawing inspiration from contemporary disciplines such as queer ecology, posthumanism and vitalist materialism, they seek to apply and revise ways in which humans participate in a dynamic web of planetary interconnectedness. They imagine a future of co-evolution, queer futurity and adaptability in which we look towards borderzones and relationality, challenging human exceptionalism and reductive notions of binary categorisations between Nature and Culture, the organic and the synthetic and the pure and feral.

Selected Exhibitions & Projects


Studio ThingkingHand at GLAS - museet for glaskunst




Chart Art Fair w. Gether Contemporary, Charlottenborg Kunsthal, Copenhagen


Extremophilia, Gether Contemporary, Copenhagen

EVOLUTIONS, GLAS - Museet for glaskunst, Elbeltoft


Feral Fetish, Politikens Forhal, Copenhagen

A Foreign Forest, Kunshal Nord, Kunstpioneerne, Brovst


Entangled Encounters, Munkeruphus, Dronningmølle


FUGUE, Kvit Galleri, Copenhagen


Amongst Ruins, Wonderland Art Space, Copenhagen



(Work in progress), Sundskolen, Guldborgsund Kommune


Væsner, Børnehuset Vingesuset, Kolding Kommune

Spjelkavik Arena, Ålesund Kommune


Amphibiome, Jøssingefjords Vitenmuseum, Jøssingefjord


Entangled Encounters, Læringhuset Nærheden, Høje Taastrup Kommune

Archetyepe, Apoteker Passagen, Aabenraa Kommune



Sensing the Sea, The Nordic Contemporary Art Center (NAC), Xiamen

We are all Hybrids, Aarhus Festuge, Aarhus

X, Gether Contemporary, Copenhagen


Reset Materials (+philmann architects), Copenhagen Contemporary, Copenhagen

BLOOM, Gether Contemporary, Copenhagen

Amazing Nature, Kunstcentret Silkeborg Bad, Silkeborg


Minimalism-Maximalism-Mechanissmmm, Act 4, Kunsthal Aarhus, Aarhus

Flæðir að – Flæðir frá, Hafnarborg - Hafnarfjörður Centre of Culture and Fine Art, Iceland

Museum For Fremtiden, Kunsthal Aarhus, Aarhus

The Great Outdoors, Skovhuset, Værløse

Museum For Fremtiden, Sort/Hvid Teater, Copenhagen

Københavnerstykker, Nikolaj Kunsthal, Copenhagen

Unruly Nature, Bloom Explore, Online Exhibition

Minimalism-Maximalism-Mechanissmmm, Act 4, Art Sonje Center, Seoul

Mykologisk Salon, Fraktal Ventesal, Skørping


Organism, KH7 Artspace, Aarhus

Vita Necro Vita, Bloom Festival, Copenhagen

Nothing Makes Itself, ARKO, Arts Council of Korea, Seoul

Naturen Taler, Sorø Kunstmuseum, Sorø


14,8x21, Tom Christoffersen Gallery, Copenhagen

The arts are essential to any complete national life...”, Alice Folker Gallery, Copenhagen


Open Studioooo, Seoul Museum of Art, SeMA Nanji Residency, Seoul

Unfunctionality, Alice Folker Gallery, Copenhagen

Future Food Today, Space10, Copenhagen

Winter Selections, VÆG Gallery, Aalborg


0fr Copenhagen, Copenhagen

Mycelium Moon, Floating Art 2018, Vejle Kunstmuseum, Vejle

Dawn Exhibition, Nomad Workspace, 3 Days of Design, Copenhagen

Relationscape (with Nana Francisca Schottländer), Bloom Festival, Copenhagen

AF·ART Mod Systemer; Materialitet, PVC, Copenhagen

Relationscape (with Nana Francisca Schottländer), Berlin Hauptbahnhof, Berlin


Ritus: Lights, Mads Nørgaard, Strøget, Copenhagen

Display Installations, Stine Goya, Copenhagen

Membrane (with Rune Bosse, Nana Francisca Schottländer), Festival of Future Nows, Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin

In, Around and All In-Between (with Rune Bosse), Code Art Fair, Copenhagen

Concaves, Stine Goya, Copenhagen

Network (with Rune Bosse), Roskilde Festival, Roskilde

Research for Network (with Rune Bosse), SMK - Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen

Phantom Muse (with Ray Roa), P‐Noise Festival, Philliphines


The Sweet Smell Of, Alternativets Kulturnat, Copenhagen

The Awkward Curiousity of Interacting Nonsense, Trailerpark Festival, Copenhagen


Arctic University of Norway, Centre for Arctic Gas Hydrate, Environment and Climate, Norway, 2022

Seoul Museum of Art, SeMA Nanji Residency, Korea, 2019


Creative Voyage, Issue Three, Winter 2021/2022, Print

Kulturen på P1, DR, Interview, December 21st, 2021

Kulturen på P1, DR, Reportage, Sept. 15, 2021. | Naturen er vild, kaotisk og queer | Interview | Trine Rytter Andersen, 2021

Politiken | Succesfuldt kunstnerpar: Vi blev ret chokerede | Interview | Politiken, 23. Aug 2020, Inger Christine Løwe. 2020

Politiken | Kunstanmelderen er begejstret: Her kan du smelte sammen med det kosmiske kaos | Anmeldelse | Politiken, 15 Juli 2020, Mathias Kryger. 2020

Danish Cultural Institute: The Posthuman Gaze – Interview with Studio ThinkingHand | by Kamila Dzierzak 2019

RUM International: Hello Darknes | Organic Decay: Portrait of Studio ThinkingHand, Print. 2019 Review of the exhibition Amongs Ruins at Wonderland Art Space | Anna Cæcilia Fløche. 2018


AF·ART Magazine #7: Genesis | Anne Kruckenberg: Portræt af to æstetiske videnskabsmænd, Print. (Pdf-download). 2018

Age of Biology | Art and the Rush of Life. 2018 | Biology and Art Takes Over the Berlin Central Station. 2018

I Do Art | Rune Bosse & ThinkingHand: Naturens Skjulte Lærdom. 2017

AF·ART Magazine #6 | M.S Nielsen: Against The Educational System. Print. 2017


NDR, Ostsee Report, Documentary feature, Norddeutscher Rundfunk, Germany [2020]

Bloom Explore I Bløde Robotter, Studio ThinkingHand, Video Short. 2020

I Do Art | Ny Film Følger Studio ThinkingHands arbejde med en udstilling, som blev til da Covid-19 ændrede verden. Film and Article. 2020


Museum for Fremtiden, Anders Thrue Djurslev og Mathias Kokholm, Antipyrine, 2022


Chart Art Fair, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, 2024

ARKO, Arts Council Korea International Symposium, RE:Think, Imagine & Act, 2022

Bloom Festival, Greetings From the Symbiots w/ Tom Gilbert, 2021

Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture, IBD, MA. 2021

Bartlett School of Architecture, Landscape Architecture MA/MLA, 2021

Kunsthal Nord, Kunstpioneerne, by Trine Rytter Andersen, 2020

Kunsten i Aalborg, Landskaber, by Søs Bech Ladefoged, 2020

WGSN, Ascential, London, 2020

Munkeruphus, 2020

Enter Artfair, Cheating entropy: on microbes and planetary changes. v/ Irene Campolmi, David Zilber, Adam Bencard. 2020

RESPOND Festival, Artistic Perspectives on Science, by Nana Balslev Strøjer. 2019

Af·Art Magazine: Mod Systemer; Materiality, PVC, w/ Gudrun Hassle and Louise Cehofski. 2019


Roskilde Festival, Microbiome Workshop, Denmark 2022

Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Painting and Pictorial Practices v/ Ferdinand Ahm Krag, Denmark, 2020

Hjemme i Kunsten, Skolen i Virkeligheden, Denmark [2020]

Skovhuset, Land Art and Relational Process, Denmark [2020]

Munkeruphus, Gillbjerg primary school v/ Christina Helvad, Land Art and Relational Process, Denmark, 2020

Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture, MA, 2018 + 2020

ABSALON, Facilitator of Absalon Artlab, as Mikkel Dahlin Bojesen. 2016

Sisters Academy. Performative methods and sensuous spaces. For Sensuous, Gry Worre Hallberg, 2014 - 2019

Krabbesholm Højskole, Guestteacher with Rune Bosse, As Mikkel Dahlin Bojesen. 2013 - 2017


Represented in the public collection of Copenhagen Municipality, 2021

Acquisition for permanent outdoor exhibition at Munkeruphus by Kirsten og Frits Frederiksens Fond, 2021

Represented in the collection of JP.Politikens Hus, 2019


Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts: Akademirådets Rejselegat, 2022

The Danish Arts Foundation: Special workgrant related to projects during covid-19, 2020

The Danish Arts Foundation: Residency stipend for Seoul Museum of Art, SeMa Nanji Residency, South Korea, 2019


The Danish Arts Foundation: High Tide - Low Tide, Hafnarborg, Iceland, 2022

The Danish Arts Foundation: Archive of Aesthetic Exploration (MMM4), Art Sonje & Kunsthal Aarhus, South Korea & DK, 2022

The Danish Arts Foundation: Feral Fetish, ARKO, Art Council Korea, 2021

Poul Johansen Fonden: Naturen Taler, Sorø Kunstmuseum, 2021

The Danish Arts Foundation: Naturen Taler, Sorø Kunstmuseum, 2021

Konsul George Jorck og Hustru Emma Jorck’s Fond: Feral Fetish, Politikens Forhal, 2021

The Danish Arts Foundation: Museum For Fremtiden, Teater S/H + Aarhus Kunsthal, 2021

The Danish Arts Foundation: Feral Fetish, Politikens Forhal, 2021

Copenhagen Municipality, Council for Visual Arts: Feral Fetish, Politikens Forhal, 2021

Copenhagen Municipality, Council for Visual Arts: FUGUE, Solo Exhibition, KVIT Gallery, 2019.

The Danish Arts Foundationl: Mycelium Moon, Vejle Kunstmuseum, 2018.