Åndemaner - A Spiritual Obsession is an investigation of the spirituality that permeates young contemporary art, and at the same time a look back at one of the greatest spiritualists of Danish and European art, Carl-Henning Pedersen.
Rune Bosse, Sif Itona Westerberg, Marie Kølbæk Iversen, Astrid Myntekær and Emil Westman Hertz's works each explore spiritual perspectives on the force of life in the spiritual, natural and mythical seen from our time.
Despite the rationality and concrete thinking of the 20th and 21st century, spirituality is ever present as a constant voice. From Kandinsky's Manifesto on spirituality in the arts of 1911 to Mondrian, Klee and Malevich, and further up to the CoBrA movement and its preoccupation of the spiritual with Carl-Henning Pedersen in particular as the exponent of the vital force of life in his art.
Today we can measure and weigh everything, and we can calculate rational explanations for the mysteries of the universe. Yet, in these years, there is a movement towards the spiritual, towards what we cannot immediately explain. Perhaps almost because of this rationality, one can say that man turns to the enigmatic and the mysterious. It is as if we as beings need a spiritual mysticism that can make sense on a higher philosophical and existential level rather than just the physically concrete. We are increasingly seeking to find ourselves through yoga and mindfullness, etc. in spite of our rational and highly systematized everyday life.
Although art has always sought beyond the concrete physical reality, we are currently experiencing a great spiritual surge. A new generation of artists gives their perspective on the spirituality of man and nature. It is a great privilege that at the exhibition we have the opportunity to show Carl-Henning Pedersen's works, and thus, across generations, can bridge this shared spiritual perspective.
Rune Bosse