
Did You Find Your Ship Kenneth Alme


Through painting and installation Kenneth Alme explores the actions of an artist. Using light and exact measures Alme fixates his motifs on the raw canvasses. The picture plane often consists of sewn together layers of canvas held in place by rough stitches giving the works a very physical appearance. On the canvasses one can see clear traces of movements in colour and shape, a scene where events has taken place. The works appear as bursts of energy, where the work of the artist is brought to light.

Alme's works exist somewhere on the border between the abstract and the figurative. Inbetween the elements of action painting and abstract gestures, figurative elements sneak in creating tension between the concrete and the inconcrete. It can be natural motifs or symbols, which act as an introduction to the work.

There is movement and shape in Alme's works but also room for contemplation on the quiet and the understated. On the picture plane one therefore also finds expressions, which seem naked on the canvas, which portray, in spite of the energetic gestures, something slightly hidden and obscured.

Kenneth Alme - Did You Find Your Ship - Installation view
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Kenneth Alme - Did You Find Your Ship - Installation view

Kenneth Alme, Untitled, 2015, Oil, acrylic and primer on cotton canvas, 160 x 115 cm
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Kenneth Alme, Untitled, 2015, Oil, acrylic and primer on cotton canvas, 160 × 115 cm

Kenneth Alme, Untitled (2), 2015, Oil, acrylic and primer on cotton canvas, 160 x 115 cm
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Kenneth Alme, Untitled (2), 2015, Oil, acrylic and primer on cotton canvas, 160 × 115 cm

Kenneth Alme - Did You Find Your Ship - Installation view
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Kenneth Alme - Did You Find Your Ship - Installation view

Kenneth Alme, Untitled (3), 2015, Oil, acrylic and primer on cotton canvas, 160 x 115 cm
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Kenneth Alme, Untitled (3), 2015, Oil, acrylic and primer on cotton canvas, 160 × 115 cm

Kenneth Alme, Untitled (4), 2015, Oil, acrylic and primer on cotton canvas, 160 x 115 cm
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Kenneth Alme, Untitled (4), 2015, Oil, acrylic and primer on cotton canvas, 160 × 115 cm

Kenneth Alme - Did You Find Your Ship - Installation view
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Kenneth Alme - Did You Find Your Ship - Installation view

Kenneth Alme, Untitled (5), 2015, Oil, acrylic, gesso and primer on cotton canvas, 160 x 115 cm
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Kenneth Alme, Untitled (5), 2015, Oil, acrylic, gesso and primer on cotton canvas, 160 × 115 cm

Kenneth Alme - Did You Find Your Ship - Installation view
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Kenneth Alme - Did You Find Your Ship - Installation view

Kenneth Alme, Untitled (6), 2015, Oil, acrylic and primer on cotton canvas, 160 x 115 cm
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Kenneth Alme, Untitled (6), 2015, Oil, acrylic and primer on cotton canvas, 160 × 115 cm