
Inside Out Amalie Jakobsen & Vinyl, Terror & Horror


Through installation and sculpture Amalie Jakobsen and Vinyl, Terror & Horror investigate with the exhibition Inside Out the physical and mental spaces we occupy.

Vinyl, Terror & Horror's work Time Escapes is situated in the middel of the gallery space. Using theatrical effects their work tells an abstract story. The wind moves the curtain, an old clock ticks away loudly and on the record player an old tune is playing. Their work delves into our subconscious, where we are confronted by the irrational and the fear of the unknown. Using effects taken from old horror films of the sixties a brooding mood spreads throughout the gallery.

Amalie Jakobsen's work is made op of stretched yellow bands of latex criss crossing the gallery space. Using her clear and minimal visual language she measures and maps the dimensions of the space. The work create by their form and extent a body, which defines a spatiality.

Amalie Jakobsen

Amalie Jakobsen (b.1989 DK) lives and works in Berlin. She is a graduate of Goldsmiths University of London, 2014. Jakobsen has solo exhibited at Gl. Strand (DK), Politikens Forhal (DK), Gether Contemporary (DK), Future Gallery (DE), Efrain Lopez Gallery (US), TwilSharp Gallery (ZA), Feral i Mexico City (MX) and she has participated in group exhibitions at Gavlak Gallery (US), STCFTHOTS (UK), Esbjerg Art Museum (DK), Arken Museum of Modern Art, Brandts Museum of Art and Visual Culture (DK), Galleri Brandstrup (NO), Bosse and Baum, (UK). Amalie Jakobsen is included in the puplication ‘Nordic Contemporary - Art from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden’, puplished by Thames & Hudson Ldt. The works of Amalie Jakobsen can be experienced in the collections at Esbjerg Art Museum (DK), Arken Museum of Modern Art (DK) and Brandts Museum of Art and Visual Culture (DK). Amalie jakobsens has made a wide range of public and private commissions.

Inside Out - Installation view
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Inside Out - Installation view

Amalie Jakobsen - Inside Out - Installation view
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Amalie Jakobsen - Inside Out - Installation view

Amalie Jakobsen, Untitled, 2015, 13 x 40 x 23 cm
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Amalie Jakobsen, Untitled, 2015, 13 × 40 × 23 cm

Inside Out - Installation view
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Inside Out - Installation view

Inside Out - Installation view (detail)
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Inside Out - Installation view (detail)

Vinyl, Terror & Horror, Time Escapes, 2015, Various materials, Various dimensions
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Vinyl, Terror & Horror, Time Escapes, 2015, Various materials, Various dimensions

Vinyl, Terror & Horror, Time Escapes, 2015 (detail)
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Vinyl, Terror & Horror, Time Escapes, 2015 (detail)